

"What do I want to be when I grow up?"
"When will it be my turn?"

I've been tossing both of these questions back and forth in my mind for the past few days, hence the silence here. To be honest, I don't think I have absolute answers to either of these questions and I'm not sure if there ever are absolute answers to menacing questions like these. 

And, it's so easy to get caught up in other people's lives through blogs. When peeking into anyone's life everything is bound to look like perfection. {Such lovely lives they must be living!} And no doubt, I am sure that many of them do, but I often find myself trapped in all of their loveliness and becoming stagnant in my own projects, continuously comparing myself and wondering why it is that I am not yet 'accomplished.' And so quickly I forget all of my life's loveliness. The impending move to London, the faithful friends, the freelance work, my adventures with my girl scout troop, the laughs with my roommate and the simple yet complex joy of awaking each morning.

My life will look like my life. It will not be the twin of any.

I must remain certain that I am on my way.

{Photo via: flickr}

London Lisa

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